Village Outreach in Bangladesh

Our partners, along with H.I.M, advance the Gospel in mostly unreached and impoverished nations around the world. Together, we are dedicated to helping the poor, sick and unreached. There are currently more than 1,500 churches across the globe that we have assisted, and we continue to enable others to build churches in countries such as Nepal, Pakistan, India, Nigeria, Philippines, Zambia, Bangladesh and many others. We are excited to share with you a few of the stories from our partners and friends.

Sanga in Bangladesh

Our partner Sanga is working among some of the unreached indigenous tribes in remote villages of Bangladesh. His church planting work has continued to grow, and his outreach ministry is bearing fruits among the Mru, Khumi, Khiang, Tripura, Chak and Chakma tribal groups. God is using his ministry to bring the gospel to these unreached people of Bangladesh.

Sanga has seen the rising level of hostility and restrictions by the government on religous beliefs and practices in the country. However, amid the resistance, the Lord is opening the hearts of the people for the Word of God. New believers are eager to hear the gospel and are coming to the Lord. Most of these new believers can’t read or write, and some of their languages have no written script.

Sanga and his team have translated several books and worship songs into the local languages. They have organized medical outreaches to distribute medicine as well as distributed clothes in the villages. This has been very effective in reducing superstition and has allowed Sanga to gain trust of the villagers. Through his work he has touched the hearts of the unreached people.

Sanga mission church in Bangladesh 2022