Urgent Help Needed to Save Trafficked Girls

Moved by the horrific stories from Mumbai’s brothels, we are helping our partner to fight human trafficking. Girls from Nepal, India, and Bangladesh are lured with false promises and forced into prostitution through brutal torture.

For ten years, our partner monitored the India-Nepal border, intercepting vulnerable girls before they are trafficked. Each month, he saved many young girls, sending them back home and sparing them unimaginable suffering.

These girls are often from poor, uneducated families and are seen as burdens. Traffickers prey on this, convincing parents that a bright future awaits their daughters. The reality is far more sinister.

Despite facing threats and overwhelming challenges, the mission continues. We have also begun translating and distributing Christian books in remote villages, spreading hope, and educating families about the dangers of trafficking.

He and his team also work as Sunday School teachers and provide legal counseling to protect churches from growing hostility. He is a beacon of hope and security in these communities.

Your donation can save lives and bring hope to the hopeless. Please support our outreach today.