Bringing Awareness to India

Most of the villages in our area of northwest India, are located inside the forest and there are so many mountains all around. There is a strong influence of local extremist organizations. Those extremists take the girls and boys from their homes and force them to go with them. They are forced into prostitution and other types of wrong things. They are taken to the metro cities to be sold. That is why so many parents send their children somewhere (like orphanages) to keep them safe. The traffickers prey
on poor communities and lure parents by promising them a job for their children. Due to greed and poverty, parents allow their children to go with those people. Most of the villagers here are illiterate and poor and do not have money.

Recently, a young girl named Seema was saved from child traffickers. By the grace of God Seema was saved by our local police after two weeks of being captive by traffickers. She was found in Siliguri, a tourist city in West Bengal. She is now staying with one of our pastors, Pastor Peter. Seema, like many young girls, has problems within her family. Her mother has passed away and her father, who is a heavy drinker, married another women who does not want Seema in the house. She became easy prey for the traffickers.

My ministry has an awareness program for the poor and unreached villages. I travel with our church youth to help them explain to the parents and children what happens to their children when they are taken. We have arranged an anti child trafficking campaign in villages and the village schools. We give them books, handouts, food, and snacks in their school bags. We teach them that they should never go anywhere with anyone. We also give information to the parents about how bad people can do great harm to their children.

We are so encouraged to reach out to the lost people. We have reached 10 more villages, and i am trying to equip more leaders to help. The sewing school that we created to equip the young girls with a skill is going well. They come 3 times a week for training. This livelihood will help pull families out of poverty and prevent children from being taken. Please pray for my ministry. Please pray for the field where we share the gospel.